The Synoptic Problem and Source Criticism

Black, David Alan, and David R. Beck, eds.  Rethinking the Synoptic Problem.  Grand Rapids:  Baker, 2001.

Farmer, William R.  The Synoptic Problem:  A Critical Analysis.  Dillsboro, NC:  Western North Carolina Press, 1976.

Gerhardsson, B.  The Origins of the Gospel Traditions..  Philadelphia:  Fortress, 1979.

Kloppenborg, John S.  The Formation of Q:  Trajectories in Ancient Wisdom Collections.  Philadelphia:  Fortress, 1987.

Richmond, Thomas, Willis Longstaff, and Page A. Thomas.  The Synoptic Problem:  A Bibliography, 1716-1988.  Macon, GA:  Mercer University Press, 1988.

Stein, Robert H.  The Synoptic Problem:  An Introduction.  Grand Rapids:  Baker, 1987.

Streeter, B. H.  The Four Gospels:  A Study of Origins.  London:  Macmillan, 1924.

Form Criticism

Blomberg, C. L. "Form Criticism."  In Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels:  A Compendium of Contemporary Biblical Scholarship, The IVP Bible Dictionary Series, eds.  Joel B. Green, Scot McKnight, and I. Howard Marshall.  Downers Grove, IL:  InterVarsity, 1992, pp. 243-50.  BS2555.2.D53 1992

Bock, Darrell. "Form Criticism."  In Interpreting the New Testament:  Essays on Methods and Issues, edited by David Alan Black and David S. Dockery.  Nashville:  Broadman, 2001, pp. 105-27.

Bultmann, Rudolf.  The History of the Synoptic Tradition.  New York:  Harper, 1963.

Dibelius, Martin.  From Tradition to Gospel.  New York:  Scribner's Sons, 1965.

McKnight, E. V.  What Is Form Criticism?  Philadelphia:  Fortress, 1969.

Taylor, Vincent.  The Formation of the Gospel Tradition.  2nd ed.  London:  Macmillan, 1935.

Redaction Criticism

Carson, D. A. "Redaction Criticism:  On the Legitimacy and Illegitimacy of a Literary Tool."  In Scripture and Truth, edited by D. A. Carson and J. Woodbridge.  Grand Rapids:  Zondervan, 1983, pp. 119-42.

Osborne, Grant R. "Redaction Criticism."  In Interpreting the New Testament:  Essays on Methods and Issues, edited by David Alan Black and David S. Dockery.  Nashville:  Broadman,2001, pp. 128-49.

Perrin, Norman.  What Is Redaction Criticism?  Philadelphia:  Fortress, 1969.

Rhode, J.  Rediscovering the Teaching of the Evangelists.  London:  SCM, 1968.

Stein, R. H. "What Is Redaktionsgeschichte?  " Journal of Biblical Literature  88 (1969):45-56.

General Works on Literary Criticism

Beardslee, William.  Literary Criticism of the New Testament.  Guides to Biblical Scholarship.  Philadelphia:  Fortress, 1969.

Frei, Hans W.  The Eclipse of Biblical Narrative:  A Study in Eighteenth and Nineteenth Century Hermeneutics.  New Haven, CT:  Yale University Press, 1974.

Green, Joel B., ed.  Hearing the New Testament:  Strategies for Interpretation.  Grand Rapids:  Eerdmans 1995.

Moore, Stephen D.  Literary Criticism and the Gospels.  New Haven:  Yale, 1989.

Peterson, Norman R.  Literary Criticism for New Testament Critics.  Guides to Biblical Scholarship.  Philadelphia:  Fortress, 1978

Narrative Criticism

Culpeppcr, R. Alan.  The Anatomy of the Fourth Gospel:  A Study in Literary Design.  Philadelphia:  Fortress, 1983.

Kingsbury, Jack Dean.  Matthew as Story.  Philadelphia:  Fortress, 1986.

Kingsbury, Jack Dean, ed.  Gospel Interpretation:  Narrative-Critical and Social-Scientific Approaches.  Harrisburg, PA:  Trinity Press International, 1997.

Powell, Mark Alien.  What Is Narrative Criticism?  Guides to Biblical Scholarship.  Minneapolis:  Fortress, 1990.

Resseguic, James L.  Narrative Criticism of the New Testament:  An Introduction.  Rev. ed.  Grand Rapids:  Baker, 2005.

Rhoads, David, and Donald Michie.  Mark as Story:  An Introduction to the Narrative of a Gospel.  2nd ed.  Philadelphia:  Fortress, 1999.

Tannehill, Robert.  The Narrative Unity of Luke-Acts:  A Literary Interpretation.  2 vols.  Philadelphia:  Fortress, 1986-90.

Rhetorical Criticism

Kennedy, George A.  New Testament Interpretation through Rhetorical Criticism.  Chapel Hill:  University of North Carolina, 1984.

Mack, Burton.  Rhetoric and the New Testament.  Edited by Dan O. Via.  Guides to Biblical Scholarship.  Minneapolis:  Fortress, 1990.

Porter, Stanley E., and Dennis L. Stamps, eds.  Rhetorical Criticism and the Bible.  Journal for the Study of the New Testament:  Supplment Series 195.  Sheffield:  Sheffield Academic Press, 2002.

Canon Criticism

Childs, Brevard.  The New Testament as Canon.  London:  SCM, 1984; Philadelphia:  Fortress, 1985.

Sanders, James A.  Canon and Community:  A Guide to Canonical Criticism.  Edited by Gene M. Tucker.  Guides to Biblical Scholarship.  Philadelphia:  Fortress, 1984.

Wall, Robert W., and Eugene E. Lemcio.  The New Testament as Canon:  A Reader in Canonical Criticism.  Journal for the Study of the New Testament:  Supplement Series 76.  Sheffield:  Journal for the Study of the Old Testament, 1992.

Social-Cultural Criticism

Balch, David E., ed.  Social History of the Matthean Community.  Minneapolis:  Fortress, 1991.

Duling, Dennis C.  New Testament:  History, Literature, and Social Context, 4th ed.  Belmont, CA.: Thompson / Wadsworth, 2003.

Elliot, John H.  What is Social-Cultural Criticism?  Minneapolis:  Fortress Press, 1993.

Esler, Philip F.  Community and Gospel in Luke-Acts:  The Social and Political Motivations of Lucan Theology.  Society for New Testament Studies Monograph Series 57.  Cambridge:  Cambridge University Press, 1987.

Hanson, Kenneth C. and Douglas E. Oakman  Palestine in the Time of Jesus:  Social Structures and Social Conflicts, 2nd ed.  Minneapolis:  Fortress Press, 2008.

Jeremias, J.  Jerusalem in the Time of Jesus:  An Investigation into Economic and Social Conditions during the New Testament Period.  Translated by F. H. Cave and C. H. Cave.  Philadelphia:  Fortress, 1969.

Kingsbury, Jack Dean, ed.  Gospel Interpretation:  Narrative-Critical and Social-Scientific Approaches.  Harrisburg, PA:  Trinity Press International, 1997.

Malina, Bruce J., and John J. Pilch.  Social-Science Commentary on the Book of Acts.  Minneapolis:  Fortress, 2008.

Malina, Bruce J., and Richard L. Rohrbaugh.  Social-Science Commentary on the Gospel of John.  Minneapolis:  Fortress, 1998.

Malina, Bruce J., and Richard L. Rohrbaugh.  Social-Science Commentary on the Synoptic Gospels, 2nd ed.  Minneapolis:  Fortress, 2003.

Neyrey, Jerome H., ed.  The Social World of Luke-Acts:  Models for Interpretation.  Peabody, MA:  Hendrickson, 1991.

Neyrey, Jerome H., and Eric C. Stewart, editors.  The Social World of the New Testament:  Insights and Models.  Peabody, MA.:  Hendrickson Publishers, 2008.

Osiek, Carolyn A.  What are they Saying about the Social Setting of the New Testament? Rev. and expanded ed  New York:  Paulist Press, 1992.

Overman, J. Andrew.  Matthew's Gospel and Formative Judaism:  The Social World of the Matthean Community.  Minneapolis:  Fortress, 1990.

Pilch, John J., and Bruce J. Malina.  Handbook of Biblical Social Values.  Peabody, MA:  Hendrickson, 1993, 1998.

Sawicki, Marianne.  Crossing Galilee:  Architectures of Contact in the Occupied Land of Jesus.  Harrisburg, PA.:  Trinity Press International, 2000.

Stambaugh, John E., and David L. Balch.  The New Testament in Its Social Environment.  Philadelphia:  Westminster, 1986.


Collins, Raymond. "Structural Analysis." In Introduction to the New Testament.  Garden City, NY:  Doubleday, 1983.

Patte, Daniel.  Structural Exegesis for New Testament Critics.  Valley Forge, PA:  Trinity Press International, 1990.

_____________.  What Is Structural Exegesis?  Philadelphia:  Fortress, 1976.

Reader-Response Criticism

Fish, Stanley.  Is There a Text in This Class? The Authority of Interpretive Communities.  Cambridge, MA:  Harvard University Press, 1980.

Iser, Wolfgang.  The Act of Reading:  A Theory of Aesthetic Response.  Baltimore:  Johns Hopkins University Press, 1978.

McKnight, Edgar V.  Postmodern Use of the Bible:  The Emergence of Reader-Oriented Criticism.  Nashville:  Abingdon, 1988.

Resseguie, J. "Reader-Response Criticism and the Synoptic Gospels." Journal of the American Academy of Religion  52 (1984):307-24.

Liberationist and Feminist Approaches

Bailey, Randall C.  Yet with a Steady Beat:  Contemporary U.S.  Afrocentric Biblical Interpretation.  Atlanta:  Society for Biblical Literature, 2003.

Brenner, Athalya, and Carole Fontaine, eds.  A Feminist Companion to Reading the Bible:  Approaches, Methods and Strategies.  Sheffield:  Sheffield Academic Press, 1997.

Fiorenza, Elisabeth Schussler.  Bread Not Stone:  The Challenge of Feminist Biblical Interpretation.  Boston:  Beacon, 1995.

Riggs, John W.  Postmodern Christianity.  Harrisburg, PA:  Trinity Press International, 2003.

Schottroff, Luise, Silvia Schroer, and Marie-Theres Wacker.  Feminist Interpretation:  The Bible in Women's Perspective.  Translated by Martin and Barbara Rumscheidt.  Minneapolis:  Fortress, 1998.

Schroer, Silvia, and Sophia Bietenhard, eds.  Feminist Interpretation of the Bible and the Hermeneutics of Liberation.  London:  Sheffield Academic Press, 2003.

Tolbert, Mary Ann, ed.  The Bible and Feminist Hermeneutics.  Semeia 28.  Atlanta:  Scholars Press, 1983.


Adam, K. M.  What Is Postmodern Biblical Criticism?  Edited by Dan O. Via.  Guides to Biblical Scholarship.  Minneapolis:  Fortress, 1995.

Norris, Christopher.  Deconstruction:  Theory and Practice.  New York:  Methuen, 1982.

Historical Setting

Aharoni, Yohanan, et aliaThe Carta Bible Atlas 4th ed. with index to persons.  Jerusalem:  Carta, 2002.

Arnold, Clinton E., gen. ed.  Zondervan Illustrated Bible Backgrounds Commentary.  4 vols.  Grand Rapids:  Zondervan, 2002.

Avi-Yonah, Michael.  Holy Land, From the Pesian to the Arab Conquests, 536 B.C. to A.D., 640:  A Historical Geography, Rev. ed..  Grand Rapids:  Baker Book House, 1977.

Barrert, C. K.  The New Testament Background:  Selected Documents.  2nd ed.  New York:  Harper, 1987

Bruce, F. F.  New Testament History.  Garden City, NY:  Doubleday, 1969.

Charlesworth, James H.  Jesus and Archaeology.  Grand Rapids, MI:  William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2006.

Cohen, S. J. D.  From the Maccabees to the Mishnah.  Library of Early Christianity.  Philadelphia:  Westminster, 1987.

Davies, W. D., and L. Finkelstein, eds.  The Cambridge History of Judaism.  Vol.  2, The Hellenistic Age.  Cambridge:  Cambridge University Press, 1989.

Duling, Dennis C.  New Testament:  History, Literature, and Social Context, 4th ed.  Belmont, CA.: Thompson / Wadsworth, 2003.

Evans, Craig A., and Stanley E. Porter, eds.  Dictionary of New Testament Background:  A Compendium of Contemporary Biblical Scholarship, The IVP Bible Dictionary Series.  Downers Grove, IL:  InterVarsity, 2000, 1,328 pages.  BS2312.D53 2000.

Ferguson, E.  Backgrounds of Early Christianity.  3rd ed.  Grand Rapids:  Eerdmans, 2003.

Hengel, Martin.  Judaism and Hellenism:  Studies in Their Encounter in Palestine during the Early Hellenistic Period.  Translated by J. Bowden.  2 vols.  Philadelphia:  Fortress, 1974.

Jeffers, James S.  The Greco-Roman World of the New Testament Era.  Downers Grove, IL:  InterVarsity, 1999.

Meyers, Eric M., editor in chief.  The Oxford Encyclopedia of Archaeology in the Near East, 5 vols.  New York:  Oxford University Press, 1997.

Millar, F.  The Roman Near East 31 BC - AD 337.  Cambridge, MA:  Harvard University Press, 1993.

Moore, G. F.  Judaism in the First Centuries of the Christian Era:  The Age of the Tannaim.  3 vols.  Cambridge, MA:  Harvard University Press, 1927-30.

Murphy-O'Connor, Jerome.  The Holy Land:  an Oxford archaeological guide from earliest times to 1700, 5th edition, rev. and expanded.  Oxford:  Oxford University Press, 2008.

Otzen, Benedikt.  Judaism in Antiquity.  Sheffield:  Sheffield University Press, 1990.

Reicke, Bo.  The New Testament Era:  The World of the Bible from 500 BC to AD 100.  Translated by David E. Green.  Philadelphia:  Fortress, 1968.

Rousseau, John J. and Rami Arav.  Jesus and His Word:  An Archaeological and Cultural Dictionary.  Minneapolis:  Fortress Press, 1995.

Schurer, E.  The History of the Jewish People in the Time of Jesus Christ.  Translated, revised, and edited by G. Vermes, F. Millar, M. Goodman, and M. Black.  3 vols.  Edinburgh:  T. & T. Clark, 1973-87.

Jewish Literature

Bowker, J.  The Targums and Rabbinic Literature:  An Introduction to Jewish Interpretations of Scripture.  Cambridge:  Cambridge University Press, 1969.

Charlesworth, J. H., ed.  The Old Testament Pseudepigrapha.  2 vols.  Garden City, NY:  Doubleday, 1983, 1985.

Charlesworth, J. H.  The Pseudepigrapha and Modern Research.  Rev. ed.  Missoula, MT:  Scholars Press, 1981.

Collins, J. J.  The Apocalyptic Imagination:  An Introduction to the Jewish Matrix of Christianity.  New York:  Crossroad, 1984.

Danby, H., trans.  The Mishnah.  Oxford:  Clarendon, 1933.

Duling, Dennis C.  New Testament:  History, Literature, and Social Context, 4th ed.  Belmont, CA.: Thompson / Wadsworth, 2003.

Epstein, I., ed.  The Babylonian Talmud.  35 vols.  London:  Soncino, 1935-48.  Reprint in 18 vols.

Maccoby, H.  Early Rabbinic Writings.  Cambridge:  Cambridge University Press, 1988.

Martinez, F. C.  The Dead Sea Scrolls Translated:  The Qumran Texts in English.  Leiden:  Brill, 1994.

McNamara, M.  Targum and Testament:  Aramaic Paraphrases of the Hebrew Bible - A Light on the New Testament.  Grand Rapids:  Eerdmans, 1972.

Neusner, J.  Introduction to Rabbinic Literature.  Anchor Bible Reference Library.  Garden City, NY:  Doubleday, 1994.

Nickelsburg, G. W. E.  Jewish Literature between the Bible and the Mishnah:  A Historical and Literary Introduction.  Philadelphia:  Fortress, 1981.

Russell, D. S.  The Method and Message of Jewish Apocalyptic 200 BC - AD 100.  Philadelphia:  Westminster, 1964.

Sperber, A., ed.  The Bible in Aramaic.  4 vols.  Leiden:  Brill, 1959-68.

Strack, H. L., and G. Stemberger.  Introduction to the Talmud and Midrash.  Translated by M. Bockmuehl.  Minneapolis:  Fortress, 1992.

Thackeray, H. St. J. et alia, ed. and trans.  Josephus.  10 vols.  Loeb Classical Library.  Cambridge, MA:  Harvard University Press, 1926-65.

Vermes, G.  The Dead Sea Scrolls in English.  3rd ed.  Harmondsworth:  Penguin; Sheffield:  Journal for the Study of the Old Testament Press, 1987.

Messianic Expectations and Movements in Judaism

Charlesworth, James H., ed.  The Messiah:  Developments in Earliest Judaism and Christianity.  Minneapolis:  Fortress, 1992.

Collins, John J.  The Scepter and the Star:  The Messiahs of the Dead Sea Scrolls and Other Ancient Literature.  Anchor Bible Reference Library.  New York:  Doubleday, 1995.

Hengel, Martin.  The Zealots.  Edinburgh:  T & T Clark, 1997.

Horsley, Richard A., and John S. Hanson.  Bandits, Prophets, and Messiahs:  Popular Movements in the Time of Jesus.  San Francisco:  Harper & Row, 1988.

Neusner, J., W. C. Green, and E. S. Frerichs, et alia, eds.  Judaisms and Their Messiahs at the Turn of the Christian Era.  Cambridge:  Cambridge University Press, 1987.

Oegema, Gerbern S.  The Anointed and His People:  Messianic Expectations from the Maccabees to Bar Kochba.  Sheffield:  Sheffield Academic Press, 1998.

Strauss, Mark L.  The Davidic Messiah in Luke-Acts:  The Promise and Its Fulfillment in Lukan Christology.  Sheffield:  Sheffield Academic Press, 1995.

Social and Cultural Setting

General Works

Bell Jr., Albert A.  Exploring the New Testament World.  Nashville:  Thomas Nelson, 1998.

Hanson, Kenneth C. and Douglas E. Oakman  Palestine in the Time of Jesus:  Social Structures and Social Conflicts, 2nd ed.  Minneapolis:  Fortress Press, 2008.

Jeremias, J.  Jerusalem in the Time of Jesus:  An Investigation into Economic and Social Conditions during the New Testament Period.  Translated by F. H. Cave and C. H. Cave.  Philadelphia:  Fortress, 1969.

Daily Life in the First-Century Mediterranean World

Bouquet, A. C.  Everyday Life in New Testament Times.  New York:  Scribner's, 1954.

Casson, Lionel.  Travel in the Ancient World.  Rev. ed.  Baltimore:  Johns Hopkins, 1994.

Enns, Paul.  Manners and Customs of Bible Times:  Shepherd's Notes.  Edited by David R. Shepherd.  Nashville:  Broadman and Holman, 2000.

Matthews, V. H.  Manners and Customs in the Bible.  2nd ed.  Peabody, MA:  Hendrickson, 1991.

Thompson, J. A.  Handbook of Life in Bible Times.  Downers Grove, IL:  InterVarsity, 1986.

Social and Cultural Values

Bailey, Kenneth E.  Poet and Peasant and Through Peasant Eyes.  Combined ed.  Grand Rapids:  Eerdmans, 1983.

De Ste Croix, Geoffrey Ernest Maurice.  Christian Persecution, Martyrdom, and Orthodoxy.  Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006.

Duling, Dennis C.  New Testament:  History, Literature, and Social Context, 4th ed.  Belmont, CA.: Thompson / Wadsworth, 2003.

Malina, Bruce J.  The New Testament World:  Insights from Cultural Anthropology, 3rd  ed., rev. and expanded.  Louisville, KY:  Westminster John Knox, 2001.

Malina, Bruce J., and John J. Pilch.  Social-Science Commentary on the Book of Acts.  Minneapolis:  Fortress, 2008.

Malina, Bruce J., and Richard L. Rohrbaugh.  Social-Science Commentary on the Synoptic Gospels, 2nd ed.  Minneapolis:  Fortress, 2003.

Neyrey, Jerome H., and Eric C. Stewart, editors.  The Social World of the New Testament:  Insights and Models.  Peabody, MA.:  Hendrickson Publishers, 2008.

Oakman, Douglas E.  Jesus and the Peasants.  Eugene, OR:  Cascade Books, 2008.

Pilch, John J., and Bruce J. Malina.  Handbook of Biblical Social Values.  Peabody, MA:  Hendrickson, 1993, 1998.

Stambaugh, John E., and David L. Balch.  The New Testament in Its Social Environment.  Philadelphia:  Westminster, 1986.

Stegemann, Ekehard W. and Wolfgang, translated by O. C. Dean.  The Jesus Movement:  A Social History of Its First Century.  Minneapolis:  Augsburg Fortress, 1999.



Beginning and Intermediate

Anderson, Hugh.  The Gospel of Mark.  2nd ed.  Grand Rapids:  Eerdmans, 1981.

Brooks, James A.  Mark.  New American Commentary.  Nashville:  Broadman, 1991.

Cole, Alan.  The Gospel according to Mark.  Tyndale New Testament Commentary.  Grand Rapids:  Eerdmans, 1989.

Edwards, James R.  The Gospel according to Mark.  The Pillar New Testament Commentary.  Grand Rapids:  Eerdmans, 2002.

Garland, David E.  Mark.  New International Version Application Commentary.  Grand Rapids:  Zonderyan, 1996.

Hooker, Morna D.  The Gospel according to St.  Mark.  Black's New Testament Commentary.  Peabody, MA:  Hendrickson, 1992.

Hurtado, Larry.  Mark.  New International Biblical Commentary.  Peabody, MA:  Hendrickson, 1989.

Lane, William L.  The Gospel according to Mark.  New International Commentary.  Grand Rapids:  Eerdmans, 1974.

Maloney, Francis ].  The Gospel of Mark:  A Commentary.  Peabody, MA:  Hendrickson, 2002.

Mann, C. S.  Mark.  A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary.  Anchor Bible Commentary.  Garden City, NY:  Doubleday, 1986.

Schweizer, E.  The Good News according to Mark.  Translated by D. H. Madvig.  London:  SPCK, l97l.

Wessel, Walter W. "Mark." In The Expositors Bible Commentary, vol. 8, edited by Frank E. Gaebelein.  Grand Rapids:  Zondervan, 1984.

Witherington III, Ben.  The Gospel of Mark:  A Socio-Historical Commentary.  Grand Rapids:  Eerdmans, 2001.

Advanced and Greek/Technical

Cranfield, C. E. B.  The Gospel according to St.  Mark.  Cambridge Greek Testament.  Rev. Ed.  Cambridge:  Cambridge University Press, 1977.

Evans, Craig A.  Mark 8:27 - 16:20.  Word Biblical Commentary 34B.  Nashville:  Nelson, 2001.

France, R. T.  The Gospel of Mark.  The New International Greek Testament Commentary.  Grand Rapids:  Eerdmans, 2002.

Guelich, Robert A.  Mark 1 - 8:26.  Word Biblical Commentary 34A.  Dallas:  Word, 1989.

Gundry, Robert H.  Mark:  A Commentary on His Apology for the Cross.  Grand Rapids:  Eerdmans, 1993.

Marcus, Joel.  Mark 1 - 8:  A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary.  Anchor Bible 27.  New York:  Doubleday, 2000.

Taylor, Vincent.  The Gospel according to St.  Mark:  The Greek Text with Introduction, Notes and Indexes.  2nd ed, 1966.  Reprint, Grand Rapids:  Baker, 1981.

Themes and Theology of Mark

Best, Ernest.  Following Jesus:  Discipleship in the Gospel of Mark.  Journal for the Study of the New Testament:  Supplement Series 4.  Sheffield:  Journal for the Study of the Old Testament Press, 1988.

____________.  The Temptation and the Passion:  The Markan Soteriology.  Society for New Testament Studies Monograph Series 2.  Cambridge:  Cambridge University Press, 1965.

Camery-Hoggat, J.  Irony in Mark's Gospel:  Text and Subtext.  Society for New Testament Studies Monograph Series 72.  Cambridge:  Cambridge University Press, 1992.

Harrington, Daniel.  What Are They Saying about Mark?  Mahwah, NJ:  Paulist, 2005.

Hengel, Martin.  Studies in the Gospel of Mark.  Philadelphia:  Fortress, 1985.

Kee, Howard Clark.  Community of the New Age:  Studies in Mark's Gospel.  Philadelphia:  Westminster, 1977.

Kelber, W. H.  The Kingdom in Mark.  Philadelphia:  Fortress, 1974.

Kingsbury, Jack Dean.  The Christology of Mark's Gospel.  Philadelphia:  Fortress, 1983.

Mack, Burton L.  A Myth of Innocence.  Philadelphia:  Fortress, 1988.

Marcus, Joel.  The Way of the Lord:  Christological Exegesis of the Old Testament in the Gospel of Mark.  Louisville:  Westminster / John Knox, 1992.

Martin, Ralph.  Mark:  Evangelist and Theologian.  Grand Rapids:  Zondervan, 1972.

Marxsen, W.  Mark the Evangelist.  Translated by James Boyce, et alia.  Nashville:  Abingdon, 1969.

Matera, F.  What Are They Saying about Mark?  New York:  Paulist, 1987.

Stock, Augustine.  The Method and Message of Mark.  Wilmington:  Glazier, 1989.

Telford, W. R.  The Theology of the Gospel of Mark.  Cambridge:  Cambridge University Press, 1999.

Telford, W. R., ed.  The Interpretation of Mark.  Philadelphia:  Fortress, 1985.

Trocme, Etienne.  The Formation of the Gospel according to Mark.  Philadelphia:  Fortress, 1975.

Via, S. 0., Jr.  The Ethics of Mark's Gospel:  In the Middle of Time.  Philadelphia:  Fortress, 1985.

Watts, Rikki E.  Isaiah's New Exodus in Mark.  Grand Rapids:  Baker, 2000.

Newer Methods and Approaches

Andersen, J. C., and S. D. Moore, eds.  Mark and Method:  New Approaches in Biblical Studies.  Minneapolis:  Fortress, 1992.

Best, Ernest.  Mark, the Gospel as Story.  Edinburgh:  T and T Clark, 1983.

Fowler, Robert M.  Let the Reader Understand:  Reader-Response Criticism and the Gospel of Mark.  Minneapolis:  Fortress, 1991.

Heil, John Paul.  The Gospel of Mark as Model for Action:  A Reader-Response Commentary.  New York:  Paulist, 1992.

Van Iersel, B. M. F.  Mark:  A Reader-Response Commentary.  Translated by W. H. Bisscheroux.  Sheffield:  Sheffield Academic, 1998.

Levine, Amy-Jill, ed.  A Feminist Companion to Mark.  With Marianne Blickenstaff.  Sheffield:  Sheffield Academic, 2001.

Malbon, E. S.  Narrative Space and Mythic Meaning in Mark.  Sheffield:  Journal for the Study of the Old Testament Press, 1991.

Rhoads, David, and Donald Michie.  Mark as Story.  An Introduction to the Narrative of a Gospel.  2nd ed.  Philadelphia:  Fortress, 1999.

Smith, Stephen H.  A Lion with Wings:  A Narrative-Critical Approach to Mark's Gospel.  Sheffield:  Sheffield Academic, 1996.

Tolbert, Mary A.  Sowing the Gospel:  Mark's World in Literary-Historical Perspective.  Minneapolis:  Fortress, 1989.


Kealy, Sean P.  Mark's Gospel:  A History of Its Interpretation from the Beginning until 1979.  New York:  Paulist, 1982.

Neirynck, F.  The Gospel of Mark:  A Cumulative Bibliography 1950 - 1990.  Leuven:  University Press and Peeters, 1992.



Beginning and Intermediate

Blomberg, Craig L.  Matthew.  New American Commentary.  Nashville:  Broadman, 1992.

Carson, D. A. "Matthew." In Expositor's Bible Commentary.  Vol.  8.  Edited by Frank E. Gaebelein.  Grand Rapids:  Zondervan, 1984.

France, R. T.  The Gospel according to Matthew.  Tyndale New Testament Commentary.  Rev. ed.  Grand Rapids:  Eerdmans, 1985.

Green, Michael.  Matthew for Today.  London:  Hodder and Stoughton, 1988; Dallas:  Word, 1989.

Hill, David.  The Gospel of Matthew.  New Century Bible.  Grand Rapids:  Eerdmans, 1981.

Keener, Craig S.  A Commentary on the Gospel of Matthew.  Grand Rapids:  Eerdmans, 1999.

Morris, Eeon.  The Gospel according to Matthew.  Pillar New Testament Commentary.  Grand Rapids:  Eerdmans, 1992.

Mounce, Robert H.  Matthew.  New International Biblical Commentary.  Peabody, MA:  Hendrickson, 1991.

Ridderbos, H. N.  Matthew.  Grand Rapids:  Zondervan, 1987.

Senior, Donald.  Matthew.  Abingdon New Testament Commentary.  Nashville:  Abingdon, 1998.

Wilkins, Michael J.  Matthew.  The New International Version Application Commentary.  Grand Rapids:  Zondervan, 2004.

Advanced and Greek / Technical

Davies, W. D., and Dale C. Allison Jr.  A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Gospel according to Saint Matthew.  3 vols.  Edinburgh:  T. & T. Clark, 1988-2004.

Gundry, Robert H.  Matthew:  A Commentary on His Handbook for a Mixed Church under Persecution.  2nd ed.  Grand Rapids:  Eerdmans, 1994.

Hagner, Donald A.  Matthew.  2 vols.  Word Biblical Commentary.  Dallas:  Word, 1993-95.

Luz, Ulrich.  Matthew 1 - 7:  A Commentary.  Philadelphia:  Fortress, 1992.

___________.  Matthew 8 - 20:  A Commentary.  Minneapolis:  Fortress, 2001.

Nolland, John.  Gospel of Matthew.  New International Greek Testament Commentary.  Grand Rapids:  Eerdmans, 2005.

Schnackenburg, Rudolf.  The Gospel of Matthew.  Translated by Robert R.  Barr.  Grand Rapids:  Eerdmans, 2002.

Themes and Theology of Matthew

Aune, David E.  The Gospel of Matthew in Current Study.  Grand Rapids:  Eerdmans, 2001.

Balch, David E., ed.  Social History of the Matthean Community.  Minneapolis:  Fortress, 1991.

Baner, David R. and Mark Allan Powell, eds.  Treasures New and Old:  Recent Contributions to Matthean Studies.  Atlanta:  Scholars Press, 1996.

Bornkamm, Gunther, Gerhard Barth, and Heinz J. Held.  Tradition and Interpretation in Matthew.  Philadelphia:  Westminster, 1963.

Brown, Jeannine.  Disciples in Narrative Perspective:  The Portrayal and Function of the Matthean Disciples.  Society of Biblical Literature Academia Biblica.  Atlanta:  Society of Biblical Literature, 2002.

France, R. T.  Matthew:  Evangelist and Teacher.  Downers Grove, IL:  Intervarsity, 1998.

Garland, David.  Reading Matthew.  Macon, GA:  Smyth and Helwys, 1999.

Kingsbury, Jack Dean.  Matthew:  Structure, Chrislology, Kingdom.  Philadelphia:  Fortress, 1975.

____________________.  Matthew as Story.  2nd ed.  Philadelphia:  Fortress, 1988.

Luz, Ulrich.  The Theology of the Gospel of Matthew.  Cambridge:  Cambridge University Press, 1995.

Meier, John P.  The Vision of Matthew:  Christ, Church and Morality in the First Gospel.  New York:  Paulist, 1979.

Powell, Mark A.  God with Us:  A Pastoral Theoloyy of Matthew's Gospel.  Minneapolis:  Fortress, l995.

Saldarini, Anthony J.  Matthew's Christian-Jewish Community.  Chicago:  University of Chicago Press, 1994.

Senior, Donald, What Are They Saying about Matthew?  Rev. ed.  New York:  Paulist, 1996.

Stanton, Graham.  A Gospel for a New People:  Studies in Matthew.  Edinburgh:  T. & T. Clark, 1992.

Stanton, Graham N., ed.  The Interpretation of Matthew.  Rev. ed.  Edinburgh:  T. & T. Clark, 1995.

Stock, Augustine.  The Method and Message of Matthew.  Collegeville, MN:  Liturgical Press, 1994.

Wilkins, Michael James.  The Concept of Disciple in Matthew's Gospel.  Novum Testamentum Supplement 59.  Leiden:  Brill, 1988.

New Methods and Approaches

Edwards, R.  Matthew's Story of Jesus.  Philadelphia:  Fortress, 1985.

Levine, Amv-Jill.  A Feminist Companion to Matthew.  With Marianne Blickenstaff.  Sheffield:  Sheffield Academic, 2001.

Neyrey, Jerome H.  Honor and Shame in the Gospel of Matthew.  Louisville:  Westminster John Knox, 1998.

Overman, J. Andrew.  Matthew's Gospel and Formative Judaism:  The Social World of the Matthean Community.  Minneapolis:  Fortress, 1990.

Pane, Daniel.  The Gospel of Matthew:  A Structural Commentary on Matthew's Faith.  Philadelphia:  Fortress, 1987

Powell, Mark Allan.  Chasing the Eastern Star:  Adventures in Biblical Reader Response Criticism.  Louisville:  Westminster John Knox, 2001.


Mills, Watson E.  The Gospel of Matthew.  Lewiston, NY:  Mellen, 2002.

Neirynck, F., J. Verheyden, and R. Corstjens, eds.  The Gospel of Matthew and the Sayings Source Q:  A Cummulative Bibliography, 1950 - 1995.  Leuven:  Leuven University Press / Peeters.  1998.



Beginning and Intermediate

Bock, Darrell L.  Luke.  New International Version Application Commentary.  Grand Rapids:  Zondervan, 1996.

Danker, Frederick W.  Jesus and the New Age:  A Commentary on St.  Luke's Gospel.  Rev. ed.  Philadelphia:  Fortress, 1988.

Ellis, E. Earle.  The Gospel of Luke.  New Century Bible.  Grand Rapids:  Eerdmans, 1981.

Evans, Craig A.  Luke.  New International Biblical Commentary.  Peabody, MA:  Hendrickson, 1990.

Evans, C. F.  Saint Luke.  Philadelphia:  Trinity Press International, 1990.

Green, Joel.  The Gospel of Luke.  New International Commentary on the New Testament.  Grand Rapids Eerdmans, 1997.

Johnson, Luke Timothy.  The Gospel of Luke.  Sacra Pagina.  Collegeville, MN:  Liturgical Press, 1992.

Stein, Robert H.  Luke.  New American Commentary.  Nashville:  Broadman, 1992.

Tannehill, Robert C.  Luke.  Abingdon New Testament Commentaries.  Nashville:  Abingdon, 1996.

Advanced and Greek / Technical

Bock, Darrell L.  Luke.  2 vols.  Baker Exegetical Commentary.  Grand Rapids:  Baker, 1994-96.

Bovon, Francois.  Luke 1:  A Commentary on the Gospel of Luke 1:1 - 9:50.  Hermeneia.  Minneapolis:  Fortress, 2002.

Fitzmyer, Joseph A.  The Gospel according to Luke.  2 vols.  Anchor Bible.  Garden City, NY:  Doubleday.  1981-85.

Marshall, I. Howard.  The Gospel of Luke.  New International Greek Testament Commentary.  Grand Rapids:  Eerdmans, 1978.

Nolland, John.  Luke.  3 vols.  Word Biblical Commentary.  Dallas:  Word, 1989-93.

Themes and Theology of Luke

Bovon, Francois.  Luke the Theologian:  The Interpretation of Luke and Acts, 1950 - 2005.  Waco, TX:  Baylor University Press, 2006.

Cadbury, Henry J.  The Making of Luke-Acts.  2nd ed., with a new introduction by Paul N. Anderrun.  Peabody, MA:  Hendrickson, 1999.

Conzelmann, Hans.  The Theology of St.  Luke.  New York:  Harper & Row; London:  Faber and Faber, 1960.

Esler, Philip F.  Community and Gospel in Luke-Acts:  The Social and Political Motivations of Lucan Theology.  Society for New Testament Studies Monograph Series 57.  Cambridge:  Cambridge University Press, 1987.

Fitzmyer, Joseph A.  Luke the Theologian:  Aspects of His Teaching.  Eugene, OR:  Wipf and Stock, 2004.

Green, Joel B.  The Theology of the Gospel of Luke.  Cambridge:  Cambridge University Press, 1995.

Jervell, Jacob.  Luke and the People of God:  A New Look at Luke-Acts.  Minneapolis:  Augsburg, 1972.

Juel, Donald.  Luke-Acts:  The Promise of History.  Atlanta:  John Knox, 1983.

Keck, Leander E., and J. Louis Martyn, eds.  Studies in Luke-Acts.  Nashville:  Abingdon, 1966.

Maddox, Robert.  The Purpose of Luke-Acts.  Edinburgh:  T. & T. Clark, 1982.

Marshall, I. Howard.  Luke:  Historian and Theologian.  2nd ed.  Downers Grove, IL:  Intervarsity, 1998.

O'Toole, Robert P.  The Unity of Luke's Theology.  Wilmington, DE:  Glazier, 1984.

Powell, Mark Allan, What Are They Saying about Luke?  New York:  Paulist, 1989.

Strauss, Mark L.  The Davidic Messiah in Luke-Acts:  The Promise and Its Fulfillment in Lukan Christology.  Sheffield:  Sheffield Academic, 1995.

Talbert, Charles H.  Reading Luke.  Rev. ed.  Macon, GA:  Smyth and Helwys, 2002.

Talbert, Charles H., ed.  Perspectives on Luke-Acts.  Edinburgh:  T. & T. Clark, 1978.

Wilson, Stephen C.  The Gentiles and the Gentile Mission in Luke-Acts.  Cambridge:  Cambridge University Press, 1973.

Newer Methods and Approaches

Kingsbury, Jack Dean.  Conflict in Luke:  Jesus, Authorities, Disciples.  Minneapolis:  Fortress, 1991.

Kurz, William S.  Reading Luke-Acts:  Dynamics of Biblical Narrative.  Louisville:  Westminster John Knox, 1993.

Levine, Amy-Jill, ed.  A Feminist Companion to Luke.  With Marianne Blickenstaff.  Cleveland, OH:  Pilgrim, 2004.

Neyrey, Jerome H., ed.  The Social World of Luke-Acts:  Models for Interpretation.  Peabody, MA:  Hendrickson, 1991.

Shellard, Barbara.  New Light on Luke:  Its Purpose, Sources and Literary Context.  London:  Sheffield Academic, 2002.

Tannehill, Robert C.  The Narrative Unity of Luke-Acts:  A Literary Interpretation.  Vol.  1, The Gospel according to Luke..  Philadelphia:  Fortress, 1986.

___________________.  The Narrative Unity of Luke-Acts:  A Literary Interpretation.  Vol.  2, The Acts of the Apostles..  Philadelphia:  Fortress, 1990.


Mills, Watson E.  The Gospel of Luke.  Lewiston and Lampeter:  Mellen, 1994.



Beginning and Intermediate

Barrett, C. K.  The Gospel according to John.  2nd ed.  Philadelphia:  Westminster, 1978.

Beasley-Murray, George R.  John.  Word Biblical Commentary.  Waco, TX:  Word, 1987.

Bruce, F. F.  The Gospel of John.  Grand Rapids:  Eerdmans, 1983.

Burge, Gary M.  John.  New International Version Application Commentary.  Grand Rapids:  Zondervan, 2000.

Carson, D. A.  The Gospel according to John.  Pillar New Testament Commentary.  Grand Rapids:  Eerdmans, 1991.

Kostenberger, Andreas.  John.  Baker Exegetical Commentary.  Grand Rapids:  Baker, 2004.

Kruse, Colin.  The Gospel according to John.  Tyndale New Testament Commentary.  Grand Rapids:  Eerdmans, 2004.

Kysar, Robert.  John.  Augsburg Commentary on the New Testament.  Minneapolis:  Augsburg, 1986.

Lincoln, Andrew T.  The Gospel according to Saint John.  Black's New Testament Commentary.  Peabody, MA:  Hendrickson, 2005.

Lindars, Barnabas.  The Gospel of John.  New Century Bible.  Grand Rapids:  Eerdmans, 1981.

Morris, Leon.  The Gospel according to John.  New International Commentary.  Rev. ed.  Grand Rapids:  Eerdmans, 1995.

Witherington III, Ben.  John's Wisdom:  A Commentary on the Fourth Gospel.  Louisville:  Westminster John Knox, 1995.

Advanced and Greek / Technical

Brown, Raymond E.  The Gospel according to John.  2 vols.  Anchor Bible.  Garden City, NY:  Doubleday, 1966-70.

Bultmann, Rudolf.  The Gospel of John.  Edited by G. R. Beasley-Murray.  Oxford:  Blackwell, 1971.

Haenchen, Ernst.  John.  2 vols.  Hermeneia.  Philadelphia:  Fortress, 1984.

Keener, Craig S.  The Gospel of John:  A Commentary.  2 vols.  Peabody, MA:  Hendrickson, 2003.

Schnackenburg, Rudolf.  The Gospel according to St.  John.  3 vols.  New York:  Herder and Herder, 1968-82.

Themes and Theology of John

Ashton, J.  Understanding the Fourth Gospel.  New York:  Oxford University Press, 1991.

Beasley-Murray, George R.  Gospel of Life:  Theology in the Fourth Gospel.  Peabody, MA:  Hendrickson, 1991.

Brown, Raymond E.  The Community of the Beloved Disciple.  New York:  Paulist, 1979.

Brown, Raymond E., and Francis J. Moloney.  An Introduction to the Gospel of John.  Anchor Bible Reference.  New York:  Doubleday, 2003.

Burge, Gary M.  The Anointed Community:  The Holy Spirit in the Johannine Tradition.  Grand Rapids:  Eerdmans, 1987.

_____________.  Interpreting the Fourth Gospel.  Grand Rapids:  Baker, 1992.

Cassidy, Richard J.  John's Gospel in New Perspective:  Christology and the Realities of Roman Power.  Maryknoll, NY:  Orbis, 1992.

Dodd, C. H.  The Interpretation of the Fourth Gospel.  Cambridge:  Cambridge University Press, 1968.

Harrington, Daniel J.  John's Thought and Theology:  An Introduction.  Wilmington, DE:  Michael Glazier, 1990.

____________________.  John the Son of Zebedee:  The Life of a Legend.  Columbia, SC:  University of South Carolina Press, 2000.

K oe stenberger, Andreas.  Encountering John:  The Gospel in Historical, Literary and Theological Perspective.  Grand Rapids:  Baker, 1999.

Kysar, Robert.  The Fourth Evangelist and His Gospel:  An Examination of Contemporary Scholarship.  Minneapolis:  Augsburg, 1975.

Morris, Leon.  Jesus Is the Christ:  Studies in the Theology of John.  Grand Rapids:  Eerdmans; Leicester:  Intervarsity, 1989.

Painter, John.  The Quest for the Messiah:  The History, Literature, and Theology of the ]ohannine Community.  Rev. ed.  Nashville:  Abingdon, 1993.

Pryor, John W.  John:  Evangelist of the Covenant People.  Downers Grove, IL:  InterVarsity, 1992.

Sloyan, Gerald.  What Are They Saying about John?  New York:  Paulist, 1991.

Smalley, Stephen S.  John:  Evangelist and Interpreter.  2nd ed.  Downers Grove, IL:  Intervarsity, 1998.

Smith, D. Moody.  John among the Gospels:  The Relationship in Twentieth-Century Research.  Minneapolis:  Fortress, 1992.

_______________.  The Theology of the Gospel of John.  Cambridge:  Cambridge University Press, 1995.

Talbert, Charles H.  Reading John.  Rev. ed.  Macon, GA:  Smyth and Helwys, 1999.

Van Tilborg, Sjef.  Reading John in Ephesus.  Leiden:  Brill, 1996.

Newer Methods and Approaches

Culpepper, R. Alan.  Anatomy of the Fourth Gospel:  A Study in Literary Design.  Philadelphia:  Fortress, 1983.

Levine, Amy-Jill, ed.  A Feminist Companion to John.  With Marianne Blickenstaff.  New York:  Sheffield Academic, 2003.

Malina, Bruce J., and Richard L. Rohrbaugh.  Social-Science Commentary on the Gospel of John.  Minneapolis:  Fortress, 1998.

Neyrey, Jerome H., ed.  The Social World of Luke-Acts:  Models for Interpretation.  Peabody, MA:  Hendrickson, 1991.

Newhart, Michael Willett.  Word and Soul:  A Psychological, Literary, and Cultural Reading of the Fourth Gospel.  Collegeville, MN:  Liturgical Press, 2001.

Stibbe, M. W. G.  John as Storyteller:  Narrative Criticism and the Fourth Gospel.  Society for New Testament Studies Monograph Series 73.  Cambridge:  Cambridge University Press, 1993.


Mills, Watson E.  The Gospel of John.  Lewiston and Lamperer:  Mellen, 1995.

Surveying the Historical Quests

Borg, Marcus.  Jesus in Contemporary Scholarship.  Valley Forge, PA:  Trinity Press International, 1994.

Dunn, James D. G.  New Perspectives on Jesus:  What the Quest for the Historical Jesus Missed.  Grand Rapids:  Baker, 2005.

Powell, Mark Allan.  Jesus as a Figure of History:  How Modern Historians View the Man from Galilee.  Westminster:  John Knox, 1998.

Schweitzer, Albert.  The Quest for the Historical Jesus:  A Critical Study of Its Progress from Reimarus to Wrede.  Translated by W. Montgomery.  New York:  Macmillan, 1954.

Strimple, Robert.  The Modern Search for the Real Jesus:  An Introductory Survey of the Historical Roots of Gospels Criticism.  Phillipsburg, NJ:  P and R Publishing, 1995.

Witherington III, Ben.  The Jesus Quest:  The Third Search for the Jew of Nazareth.  Downers Grove, IL:  InterVarsity, 1995.

Criteria of Authenticity

Calvert, D. G. A. "An Examination of the Criteria for Distinguishing the Authentic Words of Jesus." New Testament Studies  18 (January 1972):209-19.

Evans, Craig A.  Jesus.  Institute for Biblical Research Bibliographies 5.  Grand Rapids:  Baker, 1992, pp. 52-67.

France, R. T. "The Authenticity of the Sayings of Jesus." In History, Criticism and Faith.  Edited by Colin Brown.  Downers Grove, IL:  InterVarsity, 1976.

Hooker, Morna D. "Christology and Methodology." New Testament Studies  17 (July 1971):480-87.

_______________. "On Using the Wrong Tool." Theology  75 (November 1972), 570-81.

McKnight, Scot.  Interpreting the Synoptic Gospels.  Grand Rapids:  Baker, 1988, pp. 58-69.

Perrin, Norman.  Rediscovering the Teaching of Jesus.  New York:  Harper & Row, 1967.

Porter, Stanley E.  The Criteria for Authenticity in Historical-Jesus Research:  Previous Discussions and New Proposals.  Journal for the Study of the New Testament:  Supplement Series 191.  Sheffield:  Sheffield Academic, 2000.

Stein, R. H. "The 'Criteria' for Authenticity." In Studies of History and Tradition in the Four Gospels.  Edited by R. T. France and D. Wenham.  Gospel Perspectives 2.  Sheffield:  Journal for the Study of the Old Testament Press, 1980.

Theissen, Gerd, and Dagmar Winter.  The Quest for the Plausible Jesus:  The Question of Criteria.  Translated by M. Eugene Boring.  Louisville:  Westminster John Knox, 2002.

The Third Quest and Contemporary Jesus Studies

Allison, Dale.  Jesus of Nazareth:  Millenarian Prophet.  Minneapolis:  Fortress, 1998.

Bock, Darrell L.  Studying the Historical Jesus:  A Guide to Sources and Methods.  Grand Rapids:  Baker, 2002.

_______________.  Jesus according to Scripture:  Restoring the Portrait from the Gospels.  Grand Rapids:  Baker, 2002.

Bockmuehl, Markus.  This Jesus:  Martyr, Lord, Messiah.  Edinburgh:  T. & T. Clark, 1994.

Bockmuehl, Markus, ed.  The Cambridge Companion to Jesus.  Cambridge:  Cambridge University Press, 2001.

Borg, Marcus J.  Jesus:  A New Vision.  San Francisco:  Harper & Row, 1987.

______________.  Meeting Jesus Again for the First Time:  The Historical Jesus and the Heart of Contemporary Faith.  San Francisco:  HarperSanFrancisco, 1994.

Bornkamm, Gunther.  Jesus of Nazareth.  New York:  Harper & Row, 1960.

Crossan, John Dominic.  The Historical Jesus:  The Life of a Mediterranean Jewish Peasant.  San Francisco:  HarperSanFrancisco, 1991.

_____________________.  Jesus:  A Revolutionary Biography.  San Francisco:  HarperSanFrancisco, 1994.

Dunn, James D. G.  Jesus Remembered.  Grand Rapids:  Eerdmans, 2003.

Ehrman, Bart.  Jesus:  Apocalyptic Prophet of the New Millennium.  New York:  Oxford University Press, 1999.

Fredriksen, Paula.  Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews.  New York:  Vintage, 1999.

Harvey, A. E.  Jesus and the Constraints of History.  Philadelphia:  Westminster, 1982.

Horsley, Richard A.  Jesus and the Spiral of Violence.  San Francisco:  HarperSanFrancisco, 1987.

De Jonge, Marinus.  God's Final Envoy:  Early Christology and Jesus' Own View of His Mission.  Grand Rapids:  Eerdmans, 1998.

_________________.  Jesus, the Servant Messiah.  New Haven:  Yale University Press, 1991.

Kaylor, R. David.  Jesus the Prophet:  His Vision of the Kingdom on Earth.  Louisville:  Westminster / John Knox, 1994.

Maccoby, Hyam.  Revolution in Judaea:  Jesus and the Jewish Resistance.  New York:  Taplinger Publishing Company, 1980.

Mack, Burton I,.  The Lost Gospel:  The Book of Q and Christian Origins.  San Francisco:  HarperSanFrancisco, 1993.

______________.  Who Wrote the New Testament? The Making of the Christian Myth.  San Francisco:  HarperSanFrancisco, 1995.

McClymond, Michael J.  Familiar Stranger:  An Introduction to Jesus of Nazareth.  Grand Rapids:  Eerdmans, 2004.

Meier, John P.  A Marginal Jew:  Rethinking the Historical Jesus.  3 vols.  New York:  Doubleday, 1991, 1994, 2001.

Meyer, Ben F.  The Aims of Jesus.  London:  SCM, 1979.

Sanders. E. P.  The Historical Figure of Jesus.  New York:  Penguin, 1993.

_____________.  Jesus and Judaism.  Philadelphia:  Fortress, 1985.

Theissen, Gerd, and Annette Merz.  The Historical Jesus:  A Comprehensive Guide.  Minneapolis:  Fortress, 1998.

Vermes, Geza.  Jesus the Jew.  London:  Collins, 1973.

Witherington III, Ben.  The Christology of Jesus.  Minneapolis:  Fortress, 1990.

_____________________.  Jesus the Sage:  The Pilgrimage of Wisdom.  Minneapolis:  Fortress, 1994.

_____________________.  Jesus the Seer:  The Progress of Prophecy.  Peabody, MA:  Hendrickson, 1999.

Wright, N. T.  Jesus and the Victory of God.  Minneapolis:  Fortress, 1996.

____________.  Who Was Jesus?  Grand Rapids:  Eerdmans, 1993.

Jesus Seminar Works

Funk, Robert W., Roy W. Hoover, and the Jesus Seminar.  The Five Gospels:  The Search for the Authentic Words of Jesus.  New York:  Macmillan, 1993.

Funk, Robert W., and the Jesus Seminar.  The Acts of Jesus:  The Search for the Authentic Deeds of Jesus.  New York:  HarperCollins, 1998.

______________________________________.  The Gospel of Jesus according to the Jesus Seminar.  Santa Rosa, CA:  Polebridge, 1999.

Funk, Robert W.  The Gospel of Mark:  Red Letter Edition.  With Mahlon H. Smith.  Sonoma, CA:  Polebridge, 1991.

Some Responses to the Jesus Seminar

Boyd, Gregory A.  Cynic Sage or Son of God? Recovering the Real Jesus in an Age of Revisionist Replies.  Wheaton:  Victor, 1995.

Johnson, Luke Timothy.  The Real Jesus:  The Misguided Quest for the Historical Jesus and the Truth of the Traditional Gospels.  San Francisco:  HarperSanFrancisco, 1996.

Wilkins, Michael J., and J. P. Moreland, gen. eds.  Jesus Under Fire:  Modern Scholarship Reinvents the Historical Jesus.  Grand Rapids:  Zondervan, 1995.

Wright, N. T. "Five Gospels but No Gospel:  Jesus and the Seminar." In Crisis in Christology:  Essays in Quest of Resolution.  Edited by W. R. Farmer.  Livonia, MI:  Dove Booksellers, 1995.

General Historical Reliability of the Gospels

Barnett, Paul.  Is the New Testament Reliable?  2nd ed.  Downers Grove, IL:  InterVarsity, 2005.

Blomberg, Craig.  The Historical Reliability of the Gospels.  Downers Grove, IL:  InterVarsity, 1987.

Bruce, F. F.  The New Testament Documents:  Are They Reliable?  6th ed.  Downers Grove, IL:  InterVarsity, 1981.

Gerhardsson, Birger.  The Reliability of the Gospel Tradition.  Peabody, MA:  Hendrickson, 2001.

Marshall, I. H.  I Believe in the Historical Jesus.  Grand Rapids:  Eerdmans, 1977.

Thomas, Robert L, and Stanley N. Gundry.  A Harmony of the Gospels with Explanations and Essays:  Using the New American Standard Bible.  San Francisco:  HarperSanFrancisco, 1986.

Wilkins, Michael J., and J. P. Moreland, eds.  Jesus Under Fire.  Grand Rapids:  Zondervan, 1995.

Historical Sources for Jesus

Dunn, James D. G.  The Evidence for Jesus.  Philadelphia:  Westminster, 1985.

France, R. T.  The Evidence for Jesus.  London:  Hodder and Stoughton, 1986.

Difficult Sayings of Jesus

Bruce, F. F.  Hard Sayings of Jesus.  Downers Grove, IL:  InterVarsity, 1983.

Stein, Robert H.  Difficult Passages in the Gospels.  Grand Rapids:  Baker, 1984.

Historicity of Luke-Acts

Hemer, C. J.  The Book of Acts in the Setting of Hellenistic History.  Edited by C. H. Gempf.  Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament 2.49.  Tubingen:  Mohr, 1989.

Hengel, Martin.  Acts and the History of Earliest Christianity.  Philadelphia:  Fortress, 1979.

Mosley, A. W. "Historical Reporting in the Ancient World." New Testament Studies  12 (1965-66):10-26.

Historicity of John

Blomberg, Craig.  The Historical Reliability of John's Gospel:  Issues and Commentary.  Downers Grove, IL:  InterVarsity, 2001.

Dodd, C. H.  Historical Tradition in the Fourth Gospel.  Cambridge:  Cambridge University Press, 1963.

Robinson, John A.T.  The Priority of John.  Edited by J. F. Coakley.  London:  SCM, 1985.

Chronological Questions

Brown, Raymond E.  The Birth of the Messiah.  Updated ed.  New York:  Doubleday, 1993.

Caird, George B. "Chronology of the NT." In Interpreter's Dictionary of the Bible.  New York:  Abingdon, 1962, 1:599-607.

Donfried, Karl P. "Chronology." In Anchor Bible Dictionary.  New York:  Doubleday, 1992, 1:1012-16.

Finegan, Jack.  Handbook of Biblical Chronology.  Rev. ed.  Peabody, MA:  Hendrickson, 1998.

Hoehner, Harold W.  Chronological Aspects of the Life of Christ.  Grand Rapids:  Zondervan, 1977.

Birth and Childhood

The Birth Narratives Generally

Brown, Raymond E.  The Birth of the Messiah.  2nd ed.  New York:  Doubleday, 1993.

France, R. T. "Scripture, Tradition and History in the Infancy Narratives of Matthew." In Gospel Perspectives  2:239 -66.

Laurentin, Rene.  The Truth of Christmas beyond the Myths:  The Gospels of the Infancy of Christ.  Translated by Michael J. Wrenn et alia.  Petersham, MA:  St.  Bede's, 1986.

Witherington III, Ben. "Birth of Jesus." In Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels:  A Compendium of Contemporary Biblical Scholarship, The IVP Bible Dictionary Series, eds.  Joel B. Green, Scot McKnight, and I. Howard Marshall.  Downers Grove, IL:  InterVarsity, 1992, pp. 60-74.  BS2555.2.D53 1992.

Genealogy of Jesus

Huffman, Douglas S. "Genealogy." In Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels:  A Compendium of Contemporary Biblical Scholarship, The IVP Bible Dictionary Series, eds.  Joel B. Green, Scot McKnight, and I. Howard Marshall.  Downers Grove, IL:  InterVarsity, 1992, pp. 253-59.  BS2555.2.D53 1992.

Johnson, M.D.  The Purpose of Biblical Genealogies.  Society for New Testament Studies:  Monograph Series 8.  2nd ed.  Cambridge:  Cambridge University Press, 1988.

Overstreet, R. L. "Difficulties of New Testament Genealogies." Grace Theological Journal  2 (1981):303-26.

The Virgin Birth

Cranfield, C. E. B. "Some Reflections on the Virgin Birth." Scottish Journal of Theology  41 (1988):177-89.

Machen, J. Gresham.  The Virgin Birth of Christ.  New York:  Harper, 1930.

The Family of Jesus

Bauckham, R. J.  Jude and the Relatives of Jesus in the Early Church.  Edinburgh:  T. & T. Clark, 1990.

Ministry Beginnings

John the Baptist

Scobie, Charles H. H.  John the Baptist.  Philadelphia:  Fortress, 1964.

Taylor, Joan E.  The Immerser:  John the Baptist within Second Temple Judaism.  Grand Rapids:  Eerdmans, 1997.

Webb, Robert. "John the Baptist and His Relationship to Jesus." In Studying the Historical Jesus.  Edited by Bruce Chilton and Craig A. Evans.  Leiden:  Brill, 1994.

____________.  John the Baptizer and Prophet:  A Socio-Historical Study.  Sheffield:  Journal for the Study of the Old Testament Press, 1991.

Wink, W.  John the Baptist in the Gospel Tradition.  Cambridge:  Cambridge University Press, 1968.

Witherington III, Ben. "John the Baptist." In Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels:  A Compendium of Contemporary Biblical Scholarship, The IVP Bible Dictionary Series,, eds.  Joel B. Green, Scot McKnight, and I. Howard Marshall.  Downers Grove, IL:  InterVarsity, 1992, pp. 383-91.  BS2555.2.D53 1992.

The Baptism of Jesus

Beasley-Murray, G. R.  Baptism in the New Testament.  Grand Rapids:  Eerdmans, 1962.

Dockery, David S. "Baptism." In Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels  A Compendium of Contemporary Biblical Scholarship, The IVP Bible Dictionary Series, eds.  Joel B. Green, Scot McKnight, and I. Howard Marshall.  Downers Grove, IL:  InterVarsity, 1992, pp. 55-58.  BS2555.2.D53 1992.

The Temptation of Jesus

Gerhardsson, Birger.  The Testing of God's Son.  Lund:  Gleerup, 1966.

Gibson, Jeffrey B.  The Temptations of Jesus in Early Christianity.  Sheffield:  Sheffield Academic, 1995.

Twelftree, Graham H. "Temptation of Jesus." In Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels:  A Compendium of Contemporary Biblical Scholarship, The IVP Bible Dictionary Series, eds.  Joel B. Green, Scot McKnight, and I. Howard Marshall.  Downers Grove, IL:  InterVarsity, 1992, pp. 821-27.  BS2555.2.D53 1992.

The Message


Hengel, Martin.  The Charismatic Leader and His Followers.  New York:  Crossroad, 1981.

Riesner, Rainer. "Teacher." In Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels:  A Compendium of Contemporary Biblical Scholarship, The IVP Bible Dictionary Series, eds. Joel B. Green, Scot McKnight, and I. Howard Marshall.  Downers Grove, IL:  InterVarsity, 1992, pp. 807-11.  BS2555.2.D53 1992.

Stein, Robert H.  The Method and Message of Jesus' Teachings.  Louisville:  Westminster John Knox, 1994.

Jesus and the Kingdom

Beasley-Murray, G. R.  Jesus and the Kingdom of God.  Grand Rapids:  Eerdmans, 1986.

Chilton, Bruce D.  God in Strength.  Sheffield:  Journal for the Study of the Old Testament, 1987.

K eu mmel, W. G.  Promise and Fulfillment:  The Eschatological Message of Jesus.  translated by Dorothea M. Barton.  London:  SCM, 1957.

Ladd, G. E.  The Presence of the Future.  Grand Rapids:  Eerdmans, 1974.

Jesus and the Law

Banks, Robert.  Jesus and the Law in the Synoptic Tradition.  Society for New Testament Studies:  Monograph Series 28.  Cambridge:  Cambridge University Press, 1975.

Moo, Douglas. "Law." In Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels:  A Compendium of Contemporary Biblical Scholarship, The IVP Bible Dictionary Series, eds. Joel B. Green, Scot McKnight, and I. Howard Marshall.  Downers Grove, IL:  InterVarsity, 1992, pp. 450-61.  BS2555.2.D53 1992.

Sanders, E. P.  Jesus and Judaism.  Philadelphia:  Fortress, 1985.

_____________.  Jewish Law from Jesus to the Mishnah:  Five Studies.  Philadelphia:  Trinity, 1990.

Westerholm, S.  Jesus and Scribal Authority.  Coniectanea biblica:  New Testament Series 10.  Lund:  Gleerup, 1978.

Ethics of the Kingdom / Love Command / Social Concerns

Chilton, Bruce, and J. I. H. McDonald.  Jesus and the Ethics of the Kingdom.  Grand Rapids:  Eerdmans, 1987.

Davids, P. H. "Rich and Poor." In Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels:  A Compendium of Contemporary Biblical Scholarship, The IVP Bible Dictionary Series, eds, Joel B. Green, Scot McKnight, and I. Howard Marshall.  Downers Grove, IL:  InterVarsity, 1992, pp. 701 - 10.  BS2555.2.D53 1992.

Furnish, V. P.  The Love Command in the New Testament.  Nashville:  Abingdon, 1972.

Harvey, A. E.  Strenuous Commands:  The Ethics of Jesus.  Philadelphia:  Trinity, 1990.

Houlden, J. L.  Ethics in the New Testament.  New York:  Oxford, 1977.

Hurst, L. D. "Ethics of Jesus." In Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels:  A Compendium of Contemporary Biblical Scholarship, The IVP Bible Dictionary Series, eds. Joel B. Green, Scot McKnight, and I. Howard Marshall.  Downers Grove, IL:  InterVarsity, 1992, pp. 210-22.  BS2555.2.D53 1992.

Perkins, Pheme.  Love Commands in the New Testament.  New York:  Paulist, 1982.

Schmidt, T. E..  Hostility to Wealth in the Synoptic Gospels.  Journal for the Study of the New Testament:  Supplement Series 15.  Sheffield:  Journal for the Study of the Old Testament, 1987.

The Parables

Blomberg, Craig L.  Interpreting the Parables.  Downers Grove, IL:  InterVarsity, 1990.

Cadoux, A. T. The Parables of Jesus:  Their Art and Use.  London:  T. & T. Clark, 1930.

Crossan, John Dominic.  In Parables.  New York:  Harper & Row, 1990.

Dodd, C. H.  The Parables of the Kingdom.  London:  Nisbet, 1936.

Hedrick, Charles W.  Parables as Poetic Fictions:  The Creative Voice of Jesus.  Peabody, MA:  Hendrickson, 1994.

Jeremias, J.  The Parables of Jesus.  New York:  Scribner's, 1963.

Jones, Peter R. The Teaching of the Parables.  Nashville:  Broadman, 1982.

Snodgrass, Klyne R. "Parable." In Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels:  A Compendium of Contemporary Biblical Scholarship, The IVP Bible Dictionary Series, eds.  Joel B. Green, Scot McKnight, and I. Howard Marshall.  Downers Grove, IL:  InterVarsity, 1992, pp. 591-601.  BS2555.2.D53 1992.

Sider, John W. Interpreting the Parables.  Grand Rapids:  Zondervan, 1995.

Stein, Robert H.  An Introduction to the Parables of Jesus.  Philadelphia:  Westminster, 1981.

Wenham, David.  The Parables of Jesus.  London:  Hodder and Stoughton, 1989.

Young, Brad H.  The Parables:  Jewish Tradition and Christian Interpretation.  Peabody, MA:  Hendrickson, 1998.

The Miracles

Blackburn, Barry L. "Miracles and Miracle Stories." In Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels:  A Compendium of Contemporary Biblical Scholarship, The IVP Bible Dictionary Series, eds. Joel B. Green, Scot McKnight, and I. Howard Marshall.  Downers Grove, IL:  InterVarsity, 1992, pp. 549-60.  BS2555.2.D53 1992.

__________________. "The Miracles of Jesus." In Studying the Historical Jesus:  Evaluations of the State of Current Research.  Edited by Bruce Chilton and Craig A. Evans.  Leiden:  Brill, 1994, 353-94.

Blomberg, Craig. "Miracles." In The Historical Reliability of the Gospels:  A Compendium of Contemporary Biblical Scholarship, The IVP Bible Dictionary Series, eds, Joel B. Green, Scot McKnight, and I. Howard Marshall.  Downers Grove, IL:  InterVarsity, 1987, pp. 104-151.

Brown, Colin.  Miracles and the Critical Mind.  Grand Rapids:  Eerdmans, 1984.

Craig, William Lane. "The Problem of Miracles:  A Historical and Philosophical Perspective." In Gospel Perspectives:  The Miracles of Jesus.  Vol.  6.  Eugene, OR:  Wipf and Stock, 2003.

Kee, Howard Clark.  Miracles in the Early Christian World.  New Haven, CT:  Yale University Press, 1983.

Latourelle, Rene.  The Miracles of Jesus and the Theology of Miracles.  Translated by Matthew J. O'Connell.  New York:  Paulist, 1988.

Lewis, C. S.  Miracles:  A Preliminary Study.  New York:  Macmillan, 1947.

Theissen, Gerd.  The Miracle Stories of the Early Christian Tradition.  Philadelphia:  Fortress, 1983.

Twelftree, Graham H.  Jesus the Exorcist:  A Contribution to the Study of the Historical Jesus.  Peabody, MA:  Hendrickson, 1993.

___________________.  Jesus the Miracle Worker:  A Historical and Theological Study.  Downers Grove, IL:  InterVarsity, 1999.

van der Loos, H.  The Miracles of Jesus.  Novem Testamentum Supplements.  Leiden:  Brill, 1968.

Wenham, David, and Craig Blomberg, eds.  The Miracles of Jesus.  Gospel Perspectives.  Vol.  6; Sheffield:  Journal for the Study of the Old Testament, 1986.

Messianic Words and Actions

General Works

Chilton, Bruce, and Craig A. Evans, eds.  Authenticating the Activities of Jesus.  Leiden:  Brill, 1999.

Crossan, John Dominic.  The Historical Jesus:  The Life of a Mediterranean Jewish Peasant.  San Francisco:  HarperSanFrancisco, 1991.

Harvey, A. R., Jesus and the Constraints of History.  Philadelphia:  Westminster, 1982.

Hurtado, Larry W.  Lord Jesus Christ:  Devotion to Jesus in Earliest Christianity.  Grand Rapids:  Eerdmans, 2003.

Jeremiahs, J.  The Prayers of Jesus.  Philadelphia:  Fortress, 1978.

Marshall, I. Howard, Jesus the Saviour:  Studies in New Testament Theology.  London:  SPCK, 1990.

Meier, John P.  A Marginal Jew:  Rethinking the Historical Jesus.  3 vols.  New York:  Doubleday, 1991, 1994, 2001.

Meyer, Ben P.  The Aims of Jesus.  London:  SCM, 1979.

Sanders. E. P.  Jesus and Judaism.  Philadelphia:  Fortress, 1985.

Stein, Robert H.  Jesus the Messiah:  A Survey of the Life of Christ.  Downers Grove, IL:  InterVarsity, 1996.

Witherington III, Ben.  The Christology of Jesus.  Minneapolis:  Fortress, 1990.

Wright, N. T.  Jesus and the Victory of God.  Minneapolis:  Fortress, 1996.

Messianic Titles and Their Significance

Cullmann, Oscar.  The Christology of the New Testament.  Translated by Shirley C. Guthrie and Charles A. M. Hall.  Philadelphia:  Westminster, 1959.

Dunn, James D.G.  Christology in the Making:  A New Testament Inquiry into the Origins of the Doctrine of the Incarnation.  2nd ed.  Grand Rapids:  Eerdmans, 1996.

Hahn, Ferdinand.  The Titles of Jesus in Christology:  Their History in Early Christianity.  Translated by Harold Knight and George Ogg.  New York:  World, 1969.

Hengel, Martin.  The Son of God:  The Origin of Christology and the History of Jewish-Hellenistic Religion.  Translated by John Bowden.  Philadelphia:  Fortress, 1975.

Hurtado, Larry W.  One God, One Lord:  Early Christian Devotion and Ancient Jewish Monotheism.  2nd ed.  Edinburgh:  T. & T. Clark, 1998.

Marshall, I. H.  The Origins of New Testament Christology.  Downers Grove, IL:  InterVarsity, 1976.

Moule, C. F. D.  The Origin of Christology.  Cambridge:  Cambridge University Press, 1977.

The Death of Jesus

Allison, D. C., Jr.  The End of the Ages Has Come:  An Early Interpretation of the Passion and Resurrection of Jesus.  Philadelphia:  Fortress, 1985.

Brown, Raymond.  The Death of the Messiah:  From Gethsemane to the Grave:  A Commentary on the Passion Narratives in the Four Gospels.  New York:  Doubleday, 1994.

Green, Joel B.  The Death of Jesus:  Tradition and Interpretation in the Passion Narrative.  Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament 2:33.  Tubingen:  Mohr (Paul Siebeck), 1988.

_____________. "Death of Jesus." In Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels:  A Compendium of Contemporary Biblical Scholarship, The IVP Bible Dictionary Series, eds.  Joel B. Green, Scot McKnight, and I. Howard Marshall.  Downers Grove, IL:  InterVarsity, 1992, pp. 146-63.  BS2555.2.D53 1992.

Hengel, Martin.  The Atonement:  The Origins of the Doctrine in the New Testament.  Philadelphia:  Fortress, 1981.

McKnight, Scot.  Jesus and His Death:  Historiography, the Historical Jesus, and Atonement Theory.  Waco, TX:  Baylor University Press, 2005.

Rivkin, Ellis.  What Crucified Jesus?:  Messianism, Pharisaism, and the Development of Christianity.  Nashville, TN:  Abingdon Press, 1984.

Zeitlin, Solomon.  Who Crucified Jesus?.  New York, NY:  Bloch Publishing Company, 1964.

The Trial of Jesus

Blinzler, J.  The Trial of Jesus.  3rd ed.  Cork:  Mercier, 1961.

Bock, Darrell.  Blasphemy and Exaltation in Judaism:  The Charge against Jesus in Mark 14:53 - 65.  Grand Rapids:  Baker, 2000.

Catchpole, D. R.  The Trial of Jesus.  Studia Post-Biblica 18.  Leiden:  Brill, 1971.

Corley, Bruce. "Trial of Jesus." In Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels:  A Compendium of Contemporary Biblical Scholarship, The IVP Bible Dictionary Series, eds. Joel B. Green, Scot McKnight, and I. Howard Marshall.  Downers Grove, IL:  InterVarsity, 1992, pp. 841-54.  BS2555.2.D53 1992.

The Last Supper

Barth, M.  Rediscovering the Lord's Supper.  Atlanta:  John Knox, 1988.

Jeremiahs, Joachim.  The Eucharistic Words of Jesus.  New Testament Library.  London:  SCM, 1966.

Klappert, B. "Lord's Supper." In New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology  2:520-38.

L e on-Dufour, Xavier.  Sharing the Eucharistic Bread:  The Witness of the New Testament.  Mahwah, N.J.:  Paulist, 1987.

Marshall, I. H.  Last Supper and Lord's Supper.  Grand Rapids:  Eerdmans, 1980.

Marxsen, W.  The Lord's Supper as a Christological Problem.  Philadelphia:  Fortress, 1970.

Reumann, J.  The Supper of the Lord.  Philadelphia:  Fortress, 1985.

Stein, Robert. "Lord's Supper." In Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels:  A Compendium of Contemporary Biblical Scholarship, The IVP Bible Dictionary Series, eds. Joel B. Green, Scot McKnight, and I. Howard Marshall.  Downers Grove, IL:  InterVarsity, 1992, pp. 444-50.  BS2555.2.D53 1992.

The Ransom Saying

Barrett, C. K. "The Background of Mark 10:45." In New Testament Essays:  Studies in Memory of T.  W.  Manson.  Edited by Angus John Brockhurst Higgins.  Manchester:  Manchester University Press, 1959.  See pp. 1-18.

Brown, Colin, "Redemption, lutron [Greek] ." In New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology  3:189 - 200.

Marshall, I. H. "The Development of the Concept of Redemption in the New Testament." In Reconciliation and Hope:  New Testament Essays on Atonement and Eschatology Presented to L.  L.  Morris.  Edited by R. Banks.  Exeter:  Paternoster, 1974.  See pp. 153-69.

Page, Sydney, "Ransom Saying." In Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels:  A Compendium of Contemporary Biblical Scholarship, The IVP Bible Dictionary Series, eds. Joel B. Green, Scot McKnight, and I. Howard Marshall.  Downers Grove, IL:  InterVarsity, 1992, pp. 660 - 62.  BS2555.2.D53 1992.

____________. "The Authenticity of the Ransom Logion (Mark 10:45b)." In Gospel Perspectives.  Edited by R. T. France and David Wenham.  Eugene, OR:  Wipf and Stock 2003.  1:137-61.

Stuhlmacher, P. "Vicariously Giving His Life for Many, Mark 10:45 (Matt. 20:28)." In Reconciliation, Law and Righteousness:  Essays in Biblical Theology.  Philadelphia:  Fortress, 1986, pp. 16-29.


Alsup, John.  The Post-Resurrection Appearances of the Gospel Tradition.  Stuttgart:  Calwe Verlag, 1975.

Bode, Edward Lynn.  The First Easter Morning.  Analecta biblica 45.  Rome:  Biblical Institute Press, 1970.

Brown, Raymond E.  The Virginal Conception and Bodily Resurrection of Jesus.  New York:  Paulist, 1973.

Craig, William Lane.  Assessing the New Testament Evidence for the Historicity of the Resurrection of Jesus.  Lewiston, NY:  Edwin Mellen, 1989.

___________________.  The Son Rises:  The Historical Evidence for the Resurrection of Jesus.  Chicago:  Moody, 1981.

Craig, William Lane, and Gerd L u demann.  Jesus' Resurrection:  Fact or Figment?  Edited by Paul Copan and Ronald K. Tacelli.  Downers Grove, IL:  InterVarsity, 2000.

Fuller, Daniel P.  Easter Faith and History.  London:  Tyndale, 1968.

Fuller, R. H.  The Formation of the Resurrection Narratives.  London:  SPCK, 1972.

Gundry, Robert H.  S o ma in Biblical Theology.  Cambridge:  Cambridge University Press, 1976.

Harris, Murray J.  From Grave to Glory:  Resurrection in the New Testament.  Grand Rapids:  Zondervan, 1990.

Ladd, G. E.  I Believe in the Resurrection of Jesus.  Grand Rapids:  Eerdmans, 1975.

Moule, C. F. D., ed.  The Significance of the Message of the Resurrection for Faith in Jesus Christ.  London:  SCM, 1968.

Nickelsburg, G. W. E..  Resurrection, Immortality, and Eternal Life in Intertestamental Judaism.  Harvard Theological Studies 26.  Cambridge, MA:  Harvard University Press, 1972.

O'Collins, Gerald.  Jesus Risen:  An Historical, Fundamental, and Systematic Examination of Christ's Resurrection.  New York:  Paulist, 1987.

Osborne, Grant R.  The Resurrection Narratives:  A Redactional Study.  Grand Rapids:  Baker, 1984.

Perkins, Pheme.  Resurrection:  New Testament Witness and Contemporary Reflection.  New York:  Doubleday, 1984.

Sutcliffe, Edmund Felix.  The Old Testament and the Future Life.  London:  Barnes, Gates, and Washborn, 1964.

Wenham, John.  Easter Enigma:  Are the Resurrection Accounts in Conflict?  Grand Rapids:  Zondervan, 1984.

Wright, N. T.  The Resurrection of the Son of God.  Philadelphia:  Fortress, 2003.