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Acts of Peter, Chapter 39

Chapters 36 - 40 of the Acts of Peter detail Peter's arrest and conviction, in which he makes a request that he be crucified hanging upside down on the cross.  He also explains the symbolic reasons for his request and then, just before he dies, utters a long prayer.  Chapter 39 is that prayer:

Since you have made this known and revealed these things to me, 0 Word of life, . . . .  I thank you, not with these lips . . . , neither with this tongue, through which comes forth truth and falsehood, nor with this word, which is produced by the skill of earthly nature, but I thank you, 0 King, with that voice which is heard through silence, which is not heard by all, which does not come through the organs of the body, which does not enter the ears of flesh nor is heard by corruptible substance, which is not in the world or sounds upon earth, which is also not written in books, nor belongs to one, nor to another, but with this voice. Jesus Christ, I thank you:  with the silence of the voice with which the Spirit within me intercedes, who loves you, speaks with you, and sees you.  You are known only to the Spirit.  You are to me, father, mother, brother, friend, servant, steward.  You are all, and all is in you; and you are Being, and there is nothing that is except you.  To him, brethren. you also take refuge and learn that your existence is in him alone, and you shall then obtain that of which he said to you, "Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, neither has it entered into the heart of man." (1 Corinthians 2:9; cf. Gospel of Thomas, 17.)