The Lutheran Bible Institute
Class of 1965 45th Year Reunion

Help Find Missing Classmates

The link below is a listing of those persons who attended LBI anytime during the period Fall, 1963 and Spring, 1965 and for whom we have no known address.

LBI Classmates with no known address
(in process of being edited [good through leftmost column])

There are many "creative" avenues to turn locating them into a detective game, some of which are:

  • Using your favorite Internet "search" engine, just enter a full name surrounded by double quotes (") into the search engine text box.  For example, "Richard Alan Anderson".  Of course with "full" names, you'd want to try other possible combinations also, e. g., "Richard A. Anderson" or "Richard Anderson."  Just as long as you are not overwhelmed with the results returned from the search engine.  In addition, if you knew that this person went by his nickname - "Rick" - while at LBI, and that he was from Fargo, ND, then use those extra "keys" to "narrow" the search.

  • Using your favorite Internet "telephone directory" (links to some are provided below), just enter a full name into the telephone directory search text box.  Try as many directories as you can because it has been my experience that names appear in one and not in another.  Here, again, use as many other "keys" as you can remember from LBI, to "narrow" the search.  Then, call the resultant telephone number(s) to see if the person that answers is, indeed, the one you were looking for!

For reunion information contact:
Larry Boatman
(Click on name to send email or send to

To add information to this website or if you encounter problems contact: Larry Boatman  (

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