Scalar Data


What Is Scalar Data?



Automatic Conversion Between Numbers and Strings

Scalar Variables

Interpolation of Scalar Variables into Strings

Scalar Operators

Scalar Functions

<STDIN> as a Scalar Value

Output with print

The Undefined Value

The defined Function


What Is Scalar Data?

In English, as in many other spoken languages, we're used to distinguishing between singular and plural.  As a computer language designed by a human linguist, Perl is similar.  As a general rule, when Perl has just one of something, that's a scalar.[ 1]

A scalar is the simplest kind of data that Perl manipulates.  A scalar is either a number (like 4 or 3.25e20) or a string of characters (like hello[ 2] or the Gettysburg Address).  Although you may think of numbers and strings as very different things, Perl uses them nearly interchangeably, so we'll describe them together.

A scalar value can be acted upon with operators (like plus or concatenate), generally yielding a scalar result.  A scalar value can be stored into a scalar variable.  Scalars can be read from files and devices and written out as well.

Next:  Numbers


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[1] This has little to do with the similar term from mathematics or physics in that a scalar is a single thing; there are no "vectors" in Perl.

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[2] If you have been using other programming languages, you may think of hello as a collection of five characters, rather than as a single thing.  But in Perl, a string is a single scalar value.  Of course, we can access the individual characters when we need to, we'll see how to do that in later lessons.

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